Review: Sheep Dip Islay Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Color (5%): G olden, fall hay colored. lighter than expected. 3/5 Nose (10%): That is an oily scotch. Old band-aids through and through. Band-aids after a dip in the swimming pool. no real oaky, toasty notes, pretty standard peaty young islay. 7/10 Palate (20%): Surprisingly quite light to start, very watery. It swiftly builds to a high dose of polyphenols. There's a flavor I've had before that I can't place, an English sweet, sherbet? Powdered sugar flavor. It starts with nothing and builds into the rich oily fire. light tang, salty seaweed. Iodine medicine. 16/20 Finish (10%): Long lingering smoke with a bit of alcohol heat. really feel it in the bottom jaw. Very dry. I'm struggling to form saliva. Cigars aren't this binding. light figgy, golden date note starts to appear after several sips. slight medicinal rubber note. 6/10 Overall Impression and Harmony (30%): This is a pretty young scotch overall by my estimation, that or the peat is just ...